Fact Funhouse: Presidential Trivia

The month of U.S. Independence is a perfect time to test your knowledge of our 46 Presidents! From the Founding Fathers to modern-day statesmen, put on your thinking cap and see how well you know the men who have shaped the United States. (Scroll to the bottom to find the answers—but no peeking!)

  1. Who was the first U.S. President to win a Nobel Peace Prize?
    1. Barak Obama
    2. Theodore Roosevelt
    3. Calvin Coolidge
    4. Abraham Lincoln
  2. Who was the first U.S. President to die in office?
    1. John F. Kennedy
    2. Abraham Lincoln
    3. Wiliam McKinley
    4. William Henry Harrison
  3. During his tenure as a county sheriff, which of these U.S. Presidents hanged two convicted murderers?
    1. James K. Polk
    2. Rutherford B. Hayes
    3. Grover Cleveland
    4. Ulysses Grant
  4. Who was the first U.S. President to be born in a hospital?
    1. Warren G. Harding
    2. Franklin Roosevelt
    3. Harry S. Truman
    4. Jimmy Carter
  5. Who was the first U.S. President to be impeached?
    1. Richard Nixon
    2. Bill Clinton
    3. Donald Trump
    4. Andrew Johnson
  6. Who was the only U.S. President to serve more than two terms?
    1. George Washington
    2. Franklin Roosevelt
    3. Harry S. Truman
    4. Thomas Jefferson
  7. Who was the youngest man elected President?
    1. John F. Kennedy
    2. Theodore Roosevelt
    3. Barak Obama
    4. George W. Bush
  8. Which U.S. President appears on the $100 bill?
    1. Ulysses Grant
    2. James Garfield
    3. Andrew Jackson
    4. None of the above
  9. Which man served as U.S. President without being elected?
    1. George Washington
    2. Harry S. Truman
    3. Gerald Ford
    4. Andrew Johnson
  10. Which U.S. President held a patent?
    1. Dwight Eisenhower
    2. Abraham Lincoln
    3. Thomas Jefferson
    4. Theodore Roosevelt


  1. Theodore Roosevelt
  2. William Henry Harrison
  3. Grover Cleveland
  4. Jimmy Carter
  5. Andrew Johnson
  6. Franklin Roosevelt
  7. Theodore Roosevelt
  8. None of the above; Benjamin Franklin’s likeness appears on the $100 bill, but he was never President.
  9. Gerald Ford; he assumed the presidency following the resignation of Richard Nixon. He served the remainder of Nixon’s term and lost the 1976 election to Jimmy Carter.
  10. Abraham Lincoln was granted U.S. Patent no. 6,469 in 1849 for a device designed to lift small boats over shoals and river obstructions. His invention, however, was never produced.

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