Business Foundation Services
Start your business with clarity and confidence.
Entity Type Analysis
Start smart with help from our team.
Every business is classified by an entity type—sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, LLC, etc. The entity you choose has far-reaching implications, from taxation to profit sharing to liability exposure. The wrong choice can be costly and disruptive to undo in the future. Put our experience to work; we’ll help you make the right choice at the starting line.
- Get confidence—Sole proprietorship… LLC… corporation…? We’ll help you make the right choice and file the required government registry forms to get you started.
- Optimize your taxes—Choosing the right entity type ensures you won’t risk significantly overpaying your taxes. It pays to put experience on your side!
- Be informed— We take the time to help you understand the entity types, the pros and cons of each, and which one is the best for your business.
Accounting System Setup
Get the most from your accounting system.
The accounting system is the management hub of a successful business. Whether you’re setting up your system from square one or looking to clean up your existing system, you’ll benefit from our team’s expert advice. We’ll help you get the most from your system.
- Automate processes—We’ll help you take maximum advantage of automation capabilities to streamline workflows and save precious time.
- Gain insight—Our team will ensure and ensure you have accurate, real-time data that gives you a true snapshot of your financial position.
- Make informed decisions—Better decisions start with having access to timely, accurate data. We’ll be sure you’re equipped to make smart decisions.
Retirement Plan Analysis
Begin with the end in mind.
Retirement plans are a crucial component in sustaining income beyond our working years, yet almost half of all small businesses don’t have a plan in place. The selection process is demanding, but our team is here to help. We’ll bring our experience to the table to help you find the right plan for you and your employees.
- Rest easy—Don’t worry about finding the right retirement plan solution for your financial future. We’ll do the heavy lifting for you.
- Save time—We’ll handle the research and analysis and present you with a short list of vetted choices, saving your time and energy to run your business.
- Gain a competitive edge—Offering a solid retirement plan gives your business an advantage in attracting and retaining the best quality employees.
Credit Card Rewards
Get what’s coming to you.
There’s no end to the credit card options and rewards programs available in today’s market, and the benefits can add up substantially when your business uses credit card accounts to pay regular bills and expenses. We’ll help you maximize your rewards by analyzing your spending habits and available plans. It’s like getting free money!
- Card selection—We’ll help you choose the card that offers the best benefits for your business’s spending patterns. We might even recommend a combination of cards for different spending categories.
- Simplification—We’ll help you simplify your records—and your life—by keeping your business and personal accounts and expenses from getting tangled up together.
- Time back for you—Sorting through and analyzing dozens of reward programs and terms will put a crimp in your time. Let our team help, and you focus on what needs your attention most.
Start with the team that cares.
Being an entrepreneur is fraught with risk, and we know when you’re starting a business, you’ve got everything on the line. When you work with Landis & Associates, you put the depth and expertise of seasoned accounting professionals on your side, and that’s good business sense! But even more important, we treat your business as if it were our own. Our culture centers on making sure everyone on our team is fully invested in your success, and people will always matter more to us than numbers.